1)For individual discount service,contact our email address and provide proof of special date to get a 15% discount code for ordering.
2)The products in this store are produced in China or foreign import.For all product problems,we will solve them in accordance with the law in China and provide reissue/refund/repair after-sales services.
3)Shipping in most cases uses FedEx,DHL,Yanwen Standard takes 18-25 days for shipping in most cases.Some address will only have one option for shipping because the time of influences in tracking.
4)Some after-sales requires video or picture proof just to prevent false after-sales(such as some professional customers who damage the PCB by themselves to get multiple reissued PCBs and repair the damaged parts by themselves).Sorry for the misunderstanding.
5)It is our pleasure if you feel reasonable about our service.
6)We offer wholesale prices,but the margins are never very high.If it is a special custom order,a higher discount can be achieved,and you can contact us for processing.
7)Our customer-service of,sorry for the unfriendly attitude in before because some false after-sales.We will change the situation and upgrade it here if we have any problems.
8)All customers can provide suggestions in our discord,and we will respond and correct the problems in time.