1)How to order the product in some discounts?

  In some special days come in to order,there have the service policy

2)How to learn more the shipping?

  We provide the tracking about this,there have the shipping policy

3)How to add assembly service?

  We have prepared the assembly service,when you order pcb plate and switches that need to assemble,can order 1 pcs assembly service is ok.

4)When the product will be shipped?

  2-8 days after you order.

5)When the product can be returned?

  7 days after you deliver the product,or the product is damaged by shipping.

6)How long the maintenance service will keep?

  3 months after you deliver it.

7)How to program the pcb or fix the customized keyboard?

  When you order a kit or pcb,there will have the links that help you to program the pcb in the page of the pcb or kit.


  For installing of our webiste of keyboards,check the link.