QMK Manuals
QMK Manuals for installing and hex.file
For PCB support QMK manuals,we will provide the installing of qmk.But if your pcb doesn’t support QMK toolbox,we will give you different ways for it.Please contact us in our website or email when you find the problem(Ymdkey.com/david.chen@ymdkey.com).
1.Download QMK Toolbox https://github.com/qmk/qmk_toolbox/releases
Choose the toolbox according to your system,
Mac system choose pkg or app file,Windows choose toolbox.exe file.
2. Download Zadig or other driver updated software.
3.Find your PCB of reset hole in pcb of back side.Like the images below(YMD-75% as the example).And use a tweezer connect it or press it after connection.
4.Open Zadig,click list all in “options”,choose atmega32u4,
install the driver libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0).
5.Open Toolbox,click open button to choose the hex file from our product of page in manuals.(Of course,can still ask the hex file by our email:david.chen@ymdkey.com)
Make sure the chipset is atmega32u4.
When it shows like the image below,that means it succeeds.